Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Loneliness no more kills

Solitariness, loneliness no more kills,
Joy, peace overwhelming in heart and mind.
No big change, every second thrills,
Perception towards all, is the only reason behind.

Antecedent & imminent failures, all are accepted,
Two days of life, no more ends with tears.
Cheerful mind to move on, never be intercepted,
Result of each step, confronted without any fears.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Foolish Walk

Day flashed out, night prolonged,
Threatening darkness embraced entire space.
Two big sharp eyes staring nowhere, begged,
Help from inner intuition to outface.

Judging, suspecting, predicting an odd act,
One by one steps taken, towards daylight.
A sarcastic laugh busted, still remained intact,
Trusting my ability to anticipate, foresight.

Night, darkness ended and a new fresh day embarked,
Took no time to understand, I stood where it all begun.
Unnecessary emotions, foolish act, useless me outworked,
Sure to be ridiculed, stupid heart again wish to run.