Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Error encountered while PHP programming

  • fatal flex scanner internal error–end of buffer missed
          When  */  end of the comment is missing, following error is encountered.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Past Days and time flashes in mind, revealing truth,
Confronting all, we conclude best time was our youth.
Moments of laughter, emotion filled feelings, rejoice,
Moments which relieved truth, which was again our choice.

Unaware blindfolded thyself, for no reason,
Spent our time without any goal, season by season.
Attraction, temptation, love, lust wanders the mind,
Its now, realization to real life, clears the mind.

Unattached, emotionally detached, mortal life,
In crowded world, perceptions always ran rife.
Haunting with it, promenades one to wander and gaze,
All appear as giants on the technology covered maze.

Soul cries aloud, failed to withstand thyself,
Realizing the life and struggling to engulf.
Aware past and present effects on thy prospective,
Still small small hopes peeping towards my bright future.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Am Not!!!!

Am not destined to be a friend to any,
But I am destined to see true friendship many.

Am not destined to be a Successful in any,
But I am destined to see achievers in fields many.

Am not destined to be a determined in any,
But I am destined to see determinist in fields many.

Am not destined to have a challenging life any,
But I am destined to see challengers many.

Am not destined to have a perfection in any,
But I am destined to see a perfectionist in many.

Am not!! still I dare to survive with what I am
With cheerful mind, I move on making my life the best gem.