Friday, June 26, 2009

Mother's Eternal unconditional LOVE

Truely mother is such an entity, Whom everyone needs, wish to have with them till there life end. Mother itself like that. Mother cares and loves their children, May the whole world says bad words on any women, But a child will be always with the mother side, Child is 101% full confident that her/his mother is the Best.
Mother is always been a boon to who ever has it, They all knew it and agree with my statement too. Do we only remember our mother in the time of need or everytime. Yeah its true, we can't just be chanting her name, But will that be in our heart.
Mother is so pleasant, she gives so much of pleasure for us.. She seems to be THE BEST OF ALL, The good, non- selffish women towards her children?

What do you say? Can we remember our mother every second of our life, even after she is not with us. Even after she is no more in our life.... Will she ever appear after death in front of us. Loving us in the same way... as she was...
Let me know your thoughts....

Mother\\\'s Eternal unconditional LOVE, mom, mother

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mumbai Taj Hotel - Terrorist attack

Hello Reader,
Life in mumbai is very fast, this were the words heard usually. Now, words like Life in mumbai is scarcey is heard.
A person waiting for his business porposals to be finalized in Taj hotel, thought he would reach the levels of sky, if he gets that proposal, is now some where in the sky.
A mother and their child, taking their hot breathe for two days in Taj Hotel, expecting everything goes cool. Thinking they will be out of the hotel safely. They could sense their hot breathe, childrens not at all feeling secure in the hands of their own mother. So helpless, with all this struggle. Their need to end up their life.

Never do anyone would have thought of such an incident to occur, nor think for a moment. Eyes will be filled with fear. All round people see each other with suspection.

Why did terrorist choose INDIA. Is that because of HINDUISM and MUSLIMISM, Nor something related to land like JAMMU and KASHMIR issue.

Why so much of cruelity in their heart and mind. What do they wish to gain, is that a feeling of achieveing the terrorist title.
All are our peoples, We Indians never do treat anyone as strangers, Whether he is a muslim or a hindu or a chirstain or a sikh, we all treat a stranger as a guest, who is equivalant to GOD. But terrorists prove to be a guest and turn to be EVIL.
Is there any end for terrorism.

Simple way to put an end to terrorism is spiritualism, Each and every person should start practising spiritualism.
Though in your front you see terrror, You heart would be as fearless as GREAT BUDDHA was towards ANGULIMALA.
"Enlighten yourself and others. Lead the life towards LIGHT." Great words from BUDDHA.
Realize the love towards each other. Realise their love and care towards their loved ones.